
We welcome you to the Revolution in the Tourist Experience.

More than a seal of approval, a step towards inclusion!

Logotipo de la certificación "Experiencia turística accesible". Es similar a una medalla, con un envolvente en su contorno. Al centro aparece una reinterpretación del símbolo de accesibilidad universal, es decir una figura humana simplificada que con sus piernas y brazos forma una letra A. A su lado izquierdo hay una letra T, y a su derecho una C.

Accessible Tourist Experience

¿Puede el turismo ser inclusivo, emocionante y de primera calidad al mismo tiempo? ¡La respuesta es sí! Te presentamos la Certificación “Experiencia Turística Accesible”, un paso audaz hacia un sector turístico más accesible y rentable.

Vision of progress and future.

In a world where diversity, inclusion and accessibility are fundamental elements of quality, the “Accessible Tourist Experience” Certification is presented as a spark for the future in the progress of the tourism industry.

Why is it crucial to be certified and comply with quality standards? The answer is simple but powerful: customer satisfaction and business growth.

Tres ilustraciones verticales a color. A la izquierda, una mujer con discapacidad visual toca una placa en braille instalada en un muro. Al centro, un hombre sostiene un premio. A la derecha, una mujer usuaria de silla de ruedas transita por una tarima en medio de la selva.

Certification is not just a seal on your establishment or website; It is a commitment to excellence. By adhering to ISO quality standards and our Persons with Disability-Centered Design methodology, you are embracing the opportunity to deliver tourism experiences that not only meet, but exceed, expectations. Customers with disabilities not only want to travel, but they want to live memorable adventures without barriers. And who better to provide that than you?

Imagine being the pioneer in offering unforgettable getaways for everyone, regardless of their physical, sensory or social abilities. Your company will not only become an icon of inclusion, but also a source of sustainable and constantly growing income. Certification is not just a piece of paper; It’s your ticket to an expanding market and an opportunity to leave a lasting mark.

Fotografía horizontal de dos turistas con discapacidad visual con cascos de seguridad en la cima de una montaña, en el parque Natural el Rey. Están acompañados por guías, quienes les dan un recorrido de turismo accesible.

Your Journey Towards Excellence Starts Now.

Do not wait more! Request detailed information about the “Accessible Tourist Experience” Certification by completing the form below. We are ready to answer all your questions and help you take the first step towards a brighter, more accessible tourism future.

Contact us